Sunday, February 12, 2006


Katie and Jess performed in their school's production of Macbeth, which I must say was very impressive. Here Jess is in the witch scene with four others. How wonderfully creepy they were!! (Jess with friend Amanda after the show)

Katie played Lady Macbeth with poise and perspicacity. She had plenty of lines to learn and delivered them all flawlessly.

Both girls had a great time and made many new friends. I'd say they both have an innate talent for the stage, but their hard work and endless hours of practice really paid off!
Both were very sad when the shows were done, but they get to do one more performance for a competition in March, so they're still practicing for that

There won't be any more middle school plays this year, but they may be able to work on the next high school production with the teachers that produced Macbeth. I'm hoping they'll get involved with a community theatre group, but that is up to them to decide. Katie has taken up voice lessons with hopes of
getting a role in the musical next year. Yea!


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